Cannabis sativa l. subsp. indica

Cannabis sativa.

1888; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1350(945). 1928; Mohanan, Fl. Cannabis sativa L. a subspecies of Cannabis, is known as hemp. Cannabis indica has poor fibre quality and is used to make drugs for recreation and  with Cannabis sativa L. representing the fibre plants, C_. indica Lam, the drug plants, and spontanea and C_. sativa ssp.

Cannabis sativa (hemp); wild marijuana (Cannabis sativa var. ruderalis). Furthermore, C. sativa and C. indica escape cultivation and grow wild; these have mm (l/w ratio =5); racemes have short internodes, and achenes are not exposed; 

Cannabis indica has poor fibre quality and is used to make drugs for recreation and  with Cannabis sativa L. representing the fibre plants, C_. indica Lam, the drug plants, and spontanea and C_. sativa ssp. indica var. kafiristanica exemplify the.

Hilligs Forschung stützt das ursprüngliche Konzept zweier Sorten: Von Linnés Cannabis — C. sativa und De Lamarcks C. indica —, wobei die Sorte C. indica genetisch wesentlich vielfältiger ist als C. sativa. Hillig verstand die in Europa angebaute Unterart als C. sativa ssp. sativa.

sativa) และกัญชา (Cannabis sativa L.subsp.

Cannabis sativa l. subsp. indica

Generell werden die Cannabis indica - Wikipedia Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is a putative species of the genus Cannabis.

Small's and Cronquist's system defines cannabis as one species (C.

ruderalis The effects of sativa are well known for its cerebral high, while indica is well known for its  Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae.

Cannabis sativa l. subsp. indica

So ist ein häufiges Ziel von Zuchtversuchen, die psychoaktive Wirkung und das Aroma einer Sativa mit der schnelleren Reife, dem hohen Ertrag und dem üppigen Harzgehalt der Indica zu vermählen. Cannabis sativa subsp. indica - efloraofindia Within Cannabis sativa subsp. sativa, the wild phase has been named C .

indica) van.

Mansfeld: Mansfeld's World Databas of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops ; ePIC: Electronic Plant Information Centre of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Cannabis sativa (hemp) - In his original 1753 classification, Carl Linnaeus identified just one species, Cannabis sativa. Lamarck (1785) determined that Cannabis strains from India were distinct from the common hemp of Europe, based on stem and leaf morphology, and named the new species C. indica Lam. Cannabis Indica vs Sativa: How Are They Different?